Monday, October 23, 2006

The Ostrich Syndrome: How to Remove Heads from Sand

It's hard for some people, probably MOST people, to understand how much of a problem it is. Most of the regular readers of this blog are very familiar with what is going on with pedophiles online, their tactics, identities, stinking cesspools they call "communities," etc. But, for people who aren't here working on it on a regular basis, actually visiting pedo sites and blogs, I imagine it can seem pretty unreal. After all, there can't be THAT many of them out there, and they can't be after MY children, right?

We have to be careful about how we talk to people who aren't active antis. What I mean by this is that when we talk to someone who's not familiar with it, we need to be gentle. We need to realize that they don't want to believe it. Who would want to believe this shit? I sure wish it weren't true! So it can be easy for some people to think that we're overreacting, or exaggerating the problem. That keeps their worlds a nice rosey color.

I want to make it clear that I'm not bashing people who don't know what's going on. I think it's very natural to want to disbelieve this. I think it's healthy, to a certain extent. After all, we don't want everyone walking around with gloom and doom and pedophilia on our minds.

HOWEVER. Just like all sorts of child abuse that was buried for centuries and never talked about, it's time that information about pedophiles, who they are, what they say, how many of them there are, etc, is unearthed and spoken about. We need to take the scariness of it away, at least enough so that people can TALK about this, and do something about it. We don't want to keep shoving it under the rug.

That's where we come in, we antis. We have to inform other people and talk about this, just like we talk about drunk drivers, wife beaters and fatty foods. This is a clear and present danger, and everyone needs to know, and needs to be comfortable talking about it.

So, here's my challenge to all of you. Learn to talk to people on the "outside" about this issue without making them become defensive. Be informative and helpful, not offensive and in-your-face blunt. Use tact when contacting people about this problem, and be a problem-solver, offering solutions, rather than just yelling about it. Noone will listen otherwise. Let's do this right.

Thanks for reading.


Blogger jacey said...

The best way to deal with others I've found is to just be as objective as possible, most people already support us.
It's just a matter of not ranting on anger and isolating them. If they respond negatively keep your head, but if they're all for it then let loose. :)

12:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried just letting some friends know about this and your right many already support us.

Pedophiles always lie, so it is good if we get the truth out.

5:22 AM  
Blogger jacey said...

Pedophiles always lie, so it is good if we get the truth out.

Indeed, they're just bad people. No one with a mind can be fooled by their "We just want to love children" lies, because no matter how the Paed's try to twist it with words, essentially: they just want to be able fuck little children and not worry about legal consequences.

I am yet to meet a person face to face that actually supports these people. I'd easily go as far as to say that I think if more people were aware of what the paeds are doing online, there would be a LOT more anti's.

1:48 PM  
Blogger jacey said...

Illort, that's quite neat about Yahoo. I think the trickiest bit about getting the numbers against the organized paed's is that when someone stumbles upon them, they're isolated, unaware of places like AZ and Acme, or unsure how to start fighting back.

5:37 PM  
Blogger jacey said...

I think a lot more people are getting involved now!

Yes, with Epifora in the spotlight the issues getting a lot more attention. :)

I'm sure most people will be as shocked as I was to learn that places like that actually exist.

4:54 PM  
Blogger Stitches77 said...

I think one reason a lot of people don't want to talk about it or even hear about it is because it's so painful. It just makes you cringe. And that's a universal reaction.

So, when I talk about it, first I get the cringing look, then I get laughter. Why laughter? They all say, 'Ha ha, hey come on... no one would really believe that this would EVER be made legal?' ..... would they? Then you see the look in their eye changing, from amused, to incredulous to angry. The look of 'how DARE they'

I agree, we must all continue to expose pedofreaks and inform as many people as each of us possibly can. One of the only reasons I believe they've gotten as far as they have is that people haven't been aware of them. Anyone can join the fight as easily as just telling one person what they've learned. That one person will tell another who will tell 3 who will each tell 4 etc. One person CAN make a difference.

5:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very true!

5:24 AM  
Blogger jacey said...

One of the only reasons I believe they've gotten as far as they have is that people haven't been aware of them. Anyone can join the fight as easily as just telling one person what they've learned. That one person will tell another who will tell 3 who will each tell 4 etc. One person CAN make a difference.

Very true indeed.

7:18 PM  

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