Monday, December 18, 2006

Opposition = Repression?

One thing I keep reading around the net is that the pedophiles ponder antis' motivations, and blame our behavior on being repressed pedophiles ourselves. How ridiculous is that? Does this mean that all the mothers against drunk drivers secretly yearn to be drunk drivers who run over kids? Do the cops and people who detest murderers secretly desire to murder people?

UH, no.

And, hey, does that mean that the rabid festering pedophiles who rage about peej and antis all the time are secretly people who prefer to have sex with adults who can consent to it?

UH, no.

Our motivation to get you creeps off the internet and into jails where you belong comes from disgust at your selfish and grotesque obsession with having sex with children. Again I'll say: That will NEVER be accepted. Say what you want about the REST OF THE WORLD'S motivations to be rid of you, but that is the bottom line.

We want you gone.


Blogger Stitches77 said...

Rookiee, I call it WA LA Pedo Logic.

does that mean that the rabid festering pedophiles who rage about peej and antis all the time are secretly people who prefer to have sex with adults who can consent to it?

ROFL This is perfect! Perhaps it's time for us to start turning the pedo-logic around on them. Offer them some reverse-pedo-logic.

7:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said!

Pedophiles embracing the life have nothing else on their brain but molesting children and getting away with it.
Of course they hate us, because we know their dirty little secrets.

7:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pedophiles embracing the life have nothing else on their brain but molesting children and getting away with it.
Of course they hate us, because we know their dirty little secrets.

They hate anyone that's prepared to stand up against child abuse.

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pedophiles embracing the life have nothing else on their brain but molesting children and getting away with it.
Of course they hate us, because we know their dirty little secrets.

They hate anyone that's prepared to stand up against child abuse.

9:43 PM  
Blogger rez said...

Why don't we just exterminate the pedophiles

i'm in complete agreement. zero tolerance, and no mercy. anyone who would victimize a child in any way is the purest form of evil.

Merry Christmas!=)

12:23 AM  

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